Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Beta Update

I am pr-dating this post so that it lands below the first post, but today is March 12th.  I received my Beta results on Friday, after waiting for a week after the draw (why so long?  I have no idea).  It was 34, so still positive, although way down from the 750 two weeks prior.  That means the Dr. wants to do one more draw in 2 weeks (really 3 weeks from the draw, given the week;s delay for results).  They want to see it drop below 5, although the nurse did tell me that this was considered a good drop and a positive sign that everything is as it should be.

I have an appointment on Wednesday for what was supposed to be the "big" prenatal visit.  The first ultrasound, the exhaustive blood work, the confirmation of a due date.  Instead, I am going to the appointment for my annual checkup/post miscarriage checkup.  That will be rough, going for what was supposed to be a happy appointment, but is instead a boring checkup.  At least the annual stuff will be out of the way for another year!

Bleeding stopped completely about 10 days ago.  Even after the last post I ended up with spotting for a few more days.  Right now at 4 weeks post m/c, I am seeing signs that my fertility cycle is trying to return.  Nothing predictable, though, so I am waiting for AF or some signs that ovulation has occurred (so I know when to expect AF).  I'm thinking there will be a new normal, just as there was after each of my other two babies were born.

No one has asked, but I know people are wondering if we are planning to try again.  I don't know, really.  We trying to just wait and see.  I guess time will tell!

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